Why Bernie

Senator Sanders will be a candidate and President for the 99%. He does not have a history of close connections and economic relationships to the very corporations who oppose our progressive agenda. He is an independent who has stood against the horribly misguided wars in the Middle East, and he is not part of the political class who are indistinguishable from the billionaires.  He is truly a person of the 99% who shares our vision of a just and fair economy, and a real democracy.

The Time for Real Change is Now

Bernie SandersThe American political system is in crisis.  The candidates from both major parties are beholden to the top 1% and the corporations that they control. Senator Sanders is beholden to neither political party nor billionaire oligarchs.   

We the people have had enough of a government controlled by the 1% ruling elite. We have had enough of Wall Street Greed, unemployment, low wages and long hours, attacks on our Social Security, and never ending wars. We are tired of going in debt to the billionaires just to attend college, get the medical attention we need and to put a roof over our heads.  The U.S. has  the most unequal distribution of income and wealth of any major country on earth and the gap between the very rich and everyone else is growing wider.  We are facing a very real global climate crisis and yet our government is not taking action. 

Bernie SandersIt does not have to be this way. With Senator Sanders leading a political revolution that is rooted in the existing struggles for justice, we can have an economy where people  are paid a fair wage. We can have a nation where education is free and nobody has to pay bankers to go to college. We can have a health system that cares for everyone, just like every other nation in the industrialized world.  We can have sound sustainable energy policies that create jobs and not environmental catastrophes.

It will not be easy. Senator Sanders is right, it will take a political revolution to make it happen. We are Ready. Join Us.

Ready for Bernie Meme’s